WICOMICO COUNTY, MD - April 22, 2023

Senator Mary Beth Carozza (R) is a Maryland Senator who represents Somerset, Worcester, and Wicomico counties. When the legislative session recently ended in Annapolis, Senator Carozza proudly returned home to showcase her accomplishments before her constituents expecting a pat on the back as a job well done. There's something else that went on that's kept closely guarded in her purse. Carroza is caught up in a scandal of quid pro quo and nepotism using taxpayer dollars according to official records. Carozza managed to secure a legislative bond of $95,000 for a capital improvement for The Salisbury School, a private school located in Wicomico County, Maryland. Meanwhile, there's public school buildings like Wicomico Middle School crumbling apart.
To make matters worse, she used a non-profit called Horizons Delmarva as a vehicle to justify the capital improvement of a private school at the taxpayer's expense by claiming that the amphitheater would be used by low-income children that attend a summer camp held at The Salisbury School, which already has a stage and an auditorium. The original request was for $140,075, but Carozza could only secure $95,000, which will have to suffice for an amphitheater. According to the legislative bond, The Salisbury School wishes to construct the amphitheater to accommodate an audience of up to 3,000 as defined in the application. That's a number that far surpasses any amount of low-income camp attendees or parents that would even turnout for a child performance. That's because there's a bigger picture.

Why would Senator Carozza do this?
There are a few obvious reasons:
1. To solicit campaign donations from wealthy elitists who send their kids to TSS.
2. She would be able to utilize the amphitheater for her political events.
3. Her sister-in-law serves as Director of Admissions for The Salisbury School.
4. For personal gain.

Why would The Salisbury School do this?
The Salisbury School is a privately funded institution, which government has no role. This is about politics and quid pro quo. For years, the elitists have lobbied politicians and tapped taxpayer resources for their own gain. However, if a politician is willing to deliver a personal favor to line pockets, the hand will most certainly come out. The Salisbury School is financially well off. They're not helping the community by accepting $95,000 in taxpayer funds, but harming the low-income population economically in the long run through exploitation.
In addition, the school wants to build this 3,000+ attendee capacity amphitheater to be like the Freeman Stage where local concerts can be held. This would generate revenue in ticket sales for concerts, shows, and events for The Salisbury School.

Albert G Allen, III who sits on the Board of Trustees for the Salisbury School, assigned himself to be the official grantee representative for this legislative bond. Allen is an attorney that served as past-president of the Wicomico County Bar Association, and past-chair of the City of Salisbury Board of Zoning Appeals. He is currently a member of the Greater Salisbury Committee and serves on the Board of Governors of the Maryland State Bar Association. He also donated to Carozza's political campaign. Putting his name on this, you would think he'd know better.
What happens now?
The General Ethics Law below contains a couple of the types of prohibitions. Please refer to Md. Code Ann., General Provisions §§5-501 through 5-507 for the specific prohibitions. The complete ethics manual can be found here.
An employee or official may not participate in a matter in which he or she has an interest. This prohibition also applies where an official’s or employee’s relatives (spouse, children, brother, sister or parents), or certain entities has/have an interest. Non-participation includes any discussion, advising or deciding of the matter and requires disclosure of the conflict.
An official or employee may not intentionally use the prestige of his or her office for personal gain or that of another. This prohibition means an official or employee may not use any influence he/she may have to obtain a special benefit for himself/herself or another or use state resources for personal benefit or to benefit another. This includes but is not limited to: influencing the award of a State or local contract to a specific person; initiating a solicitation for a person to retain the compensated services of a particular lobbyist or firm; or using public resources or title to solicit a political contribution.
Senator Carozza and The Salisbury School are now under investigation. The Salisbury School's Board of Trustees and the parents that fund the school should be very concerned. If they were smart, they would refuse or return the funding as this is not going away. The people are sick of crooked politicians and inside jobs to create systems of prestige and privilege under the guise of the poor. Carozza has certainly soiled her seat.
-Inspector General