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WCEA/MSEA Teachers Union "Swamp Pick" Candidates For Wicomico

June 17, 2022

Anything the teachers union touches has historically degraded education in exchange for political control. The mafia influence of the National Education Association (NEA), Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) and the Wicomico County Education Association (WCEA) have worked to keep our schools closed when schools should have been open, children masked, pushed mandates, controlled administrations, bullied school boards, influenced curriculum, and trained its members to push activism in the classroom. And it's all going beyond their role as a union, because we've allowed them to. Outside of any school, why should the union interfere with government? No reason but political control.

Below is an email from the WCEA President that was sent to all Wicomico County teachers, sent through the taxpayer-sponsored email system ( email addresses) with the union endorsement for the following candidates. These Democratic individuals who gladly accepted, will carry out the political agenda of the union by placing the union's political interests before the citizens of Wicomico.


From: "Joan Smith, WCEA President" <>

Date: June 16, 2022

To: Union Teachers

Subject: Educator Recommended Candidates for Wicomico County


Dear Educators, Wicomico educators did the hard work of collecting candidate questionnaires and conducting interviews, and after all of that work, we wanted you to see the local candidates we recommend in the July 19th Primary. Please check out our local candidates below. Most voters leave these local offices blank on their ballot because they don't know anything about these candidates. That's why it is so important we work the polls during Early Vote (July 7-14) and Election Day (July 19) to share our educator-recommended candidates with voters using our apple ballot. Sign-up for a shift using this form (hit submit & sign-up after you choose a time).

Wicomico County Local Recommendations

George Demko, Board of Education At Large After 27 years in microbiology, George Demko decided to change careers and return to college. He earned a Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) and taught ESL to middle school and elementary school students in Cecil and Wicomico Counties. His classroom experience gave him a deeper understanding of the importance of our public schools and appreciation for the people who work in them. George will bring his first-hand teaching experience to the Board and hopes to create more unity to support our educators and students. Karin Miller, Board of Education District 2 Karin Miller is a parent, former PTA officer, and taught for 19 years in WCPS. These experiences have given Karin an informed perspective of the challenges facing our community and a willingness to work together with parents, teachers and the community to improve the educational outcomes for ALL of our students. Karin believes an excellent school system is a vital part of our economic future. Karin wants to ensure we attract and retain a quality workforce through increasing pay and decreasing workload by eliminating unnecessary responsibilities.

David Plotts, Board of Education District 4 David Plotts was born and raised here, in Wicomico County, graduating from Bennett High School and Salisbury University. David has been a public servant since 2008, working at the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, currently as the Controller. He has served on the Parks and Rec Committee, the Mayor's Environmental Policy Task Force, and Wicomico County Charter Review Committee. David is committed to working with WCEA to develop contracts that provide benefits necessary for retention. Bradley Gillis, County Council At Large Born & raised in Wicomico County, Bradley has deep roots throughout Delmarva. He is a Principal at NAI Coastal and Gillis Gilkerson, a Construction and Development Company in Downtown Salisbury. Bradley is a past President of the Chamber of Commerce, the 1st Vice Chair of the Greater Salisbury Committee, member of Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development, and serves on the Salisbury University Perdue School of Business Executive Council. Bradley wants to increase revenue and improve communication with the BOE, Council, and County Executive. Megan Outten, County Council At Large Megan Outten is proud daughter of Wicomico, her family has called this county home for nearly 100 years. Megan graduated from Parkside High School and Salisbury University. She has spent the last five years working alongside industry leaders, environmental organizations, and elected officials to advocate for renewable energy and advance workforce development opportunities. Her education priorities are to retain talent with good wages, provide support to CTE programs, and encourage professional development and best practices on inclusion, diversity, & literacy Josh Hastings, County Council District 4 Josh Hastings grew up on a poultry farm and Maryland’s first certified organic farm - in Mardela Springs. For the last 6 years, Josh has monitored federal, state and local land use policy at a regional nonprofit. Josh's vision for Wicomico County is one where it continues to become a more connected, educated, and special place- without losing its rural heritage. Josh is committed to making education a priority in Wicomico County through funding and listening to educators.

Joan Smith, WCEA President


Maryland State Education Association (State Teachers Union) Endorsements:

Sheree Sample-Hughes (D), House of Delegates District 37A

Christopher Adams (R), House of Delegates District 37B

-Inspector General

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